national kennel clubs


founding year


european club winners

About the club


The European Poodle Club was established in 2024 as an initiative of three national breeding clubs – Slovakia, Czech Republic, and Poland. The main goal of the club is mutual cooperation between clubs across Europe, which will lead to a positive perception of the poodle breed and contribute to improving its health.

The EPC organizes the European Poodle Show with the award of the title European Club Winner, which is hosted every year by a different national breeding club that is a regular member of the EPC.


Types of EPC membership:


If there are several breeding clubs in one state, all these clubs can apply for regular membership.

If you wish to become a member of the EPC, please complete the relevant application and send it by email to president@poodleclub.eu
Applications for membership are approved by the EPC presidium at its next meeting after the application is submitted. More than 75% of the affirmative votes of the EPC Presidium are required for admission as a member.

EPC bank information
name: Európsky Pudel Klub – European Poodle Club – EPC
IBAN: SK66 0200 0000 0049 5144 5357
